Thursday, March 11, 2010

You can call me "Pammie ROBIN"...its my name!

Over the past few months, I've been trading sessions with holistic practitioners using a variety of processes and techniques to resolve trauma (in contrast to traditional counseling therapy). Tho we may not recognize within ourselves, early childhood traumas affect adult decision-making and stress responses. I'm delighted to make recommendations to practitioners who can help my readers resolve this lingering negative emotional energy.

Continuing to heal myself along this journey, in the past week consulting with several practitioners I deeply respect, recognize that for me, part of the "lost" feeling I held most of my life, was the detachment from the infant I was coming into this world.

Surrendered at birth for adoption, the couple that raised me told me that I was adopted and beyond that didn't want to discuss it. They did celebrate each year, that date as a second birthday of sorts. I was told they had no info about my biological family, only that I was born in Detroit and not given a name because I was given away. Just over 3 months later they adopted me and legally established my name as Pamela Sue. The "Sue" part, I was told, after my Dad's hunting dog. My adoptive family seemed to get a kick out of that.

Never really resonated with "Pamela", preferred Pam. Only my Grandmother and a couple of dear friends called me "Pammie". When finally I was re-united with my biological family in my thirties, Mom told me that she chose to name me "Robin Beth" at birth. I wished I had that name...still changing my name seemed "disrespectful" to my adoptive family, and confusing to my children and in the workplace.

Getting clarity in my life's mission, I'm recognizing there is no better time to integrate "Robin". In full honor of my deceased (adoptive) Father, my maiden name "Michell" is an absolute given.

Adoptive parents frequently change their child's name to symbolically make the child their own...with a fresh start. Even when we genuinely love and respect our adoptive families, frequently we feel detached on some levels. For me, this detachment (and trauma) began when my entire identity was "invalidated". And reinforced every time I heard about Dad's dog Susie.

Recognizing I'll have to jump through some legal processes, I understand I can begin introducing myself, or asking to be called "Robin" or any other name. Because I'm building a following as a domestic violence advocate and author, the sooner I make this distinction, the better for branding purposes...definately before the next print run on business cards!

Over the weekend, "Pamela Robin" began integration...not feeling "Pamela" was just about ready to reclaim "Robin Beth", retaining my legal maiden name. A little voice inside is saying "Pammie Robin" and its getting louder. At last, she's found herself. May I introduce... Pammie Robin Michell. She loves you very much. Stay blessed.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Are YOU lost emotionally? Peace is within.

Occupied with a flurry of blessings in 2010, Adoption Dynamics readers and others resonating with family trauma have a peaceful new resource available. Expanded exercises using Pure Awareness techniques guide you to the peaceful place within where YOU have the answers...even how to check what is congruent with your essential nature. Free audio download of the first guided imagery exercise is available @ on the Pure Awareness tab.

Previous to learning Pure Awareness techniques, I wasn't successful in meditation. This is so simple, and even others I've worked with who shared my challenge arriving and holding this peaceful state now enjoy (even plan for) this Greater Awareness Place...what Tom Stone calls "the GAP". I wanted you to experience this for yourself and recommend it to others to sample for free. For those who want more, in both audio and text format, for a $9.95 download grab "the GAP" and "the AGAPE" exercises. The text format can be used as a script, so you can read it to guide a partner or group to Pure Awareness.

Until learning these techniques, I was emotionally lost. I didn't know why. During my lifetime, I've spoken with thousands of people who were adopted or ladies who surrendered children for adoption. With no official count, clearly more than half admit they are not at peace emotionally. How about you? Are you lost...or hiding? Your thoughts matter.

Enjoy this 10 minute guided imagery exercise and let me know how YOU feel. Stay blissed. I love you.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Reflection, Anticipation, and Meditation

I'm not too proud to admit that prior to training by Tom Stone @ Great Life Technologies(GLT)as a Trauma Resolution Specialist/Bliss Coach, I presented as one victimized by adoption. My adoptive Father was ideal in every way imaginable, a perfect role model as a husband, father, and later...grandfather. With his wife as the light of his life, perhaps my expectations of what to expect from a mate were more idealistic than least until I clean up my inner landscape.

While invitro, Tom explains, we enjoy FIVE STAR WOMB SERVICE. All our needs are met instantaneously. From this, we are conditioned to expect our wants and needs will be similarly met. Tho our heads/brains are disproportionally larger than the trunk of our bodies as infants, the spindle cells that help us process emotional energy are few at birth...increasing as we mature. In a pre-verbal state, with limited ability to process emotionally, we begin to protect ourselves from feelings of separation and overwhelm. For many who are adopted, while we love and appreciate our adoptive families, a part of us is lost. Here's why. Five Star Womb Service ended abruptly, against all our infantile expectations. We expected our "womb host" to continue loving and providing for us. Our "other mother", perhaps the only mother we ever knew...stepped in to feed, clothe, house and care for us. No matter how genuinely she may love us, bridging that gap between an adoptive mother and her children is challenging.

As adults, fortified with mature spindle cells, we may come to understand the sense of emotional overwhelm...or of feeling "lost" as a child. In resolving the emotional energy we stored in our bodies, we can bridge that separation. Adoptive Moms and families...please understand that often NOBODY DID ANYTHING WRONG. All of us are hurt more by holding circumstances in judgement.

Improving somewhat in recent years, adoptive parents don't get the comprehensive training or preparation to best respond to the needs of an adopted child. Make no mistake, every adopted child IS A SPECIAL NEEDS CHILD. In this information age, adoptive parents can participate in live or on-line support groups. Their adopted children having contact with other adoptees, feel less separate from society as a whole.

Adoptive families and adoptees benefit in their retreat to a blissful, meditative state where there is no lack. Many find it challenging to find this place. Working with GLT, I learned to navigate to this place and am eager to share it with my readers. I've just recorded guided-imagery exercises that serve as your tour guide in finding your bliss. Very shortly the IT will be completed making these exercises available in audio and in text download at under trauma resolution. The first exercise is free in audio format. For those who want more, both exercises are provided in audio and print format for $9.95, allowing you to read/guide others to find their peace within (regardless of their situation).

This meditative state Tom calls "THE GAP" serves as the underpinning for trauma resolution or bliss coaching. While it is from this place trained practitioners guide the resolution of past trauma, everyone benefits simply by finding this blissful place within themselves.

It's a new decade. This discovery is my gift to YOU; in it YOU will find YOUR PERFECTION. What better time to get out of your own way. Are YOU ZEN in 2010? Your guest pass, to guided bliss is on the way...the wonder of the universe awaits your discovery! YOU are perfect! YOU are loved and YOU are loveable!!! I want to hear from YOU. What information or services may I provide that will be valuable to YOU? It is ALL ABOUT YOU! "Blissings".